Čazmatrans-Otok Hvar d.o.o.
Čazmatrans-Otok Hvar d.o.o.
Ivana Meštrovića 4
21460 Stari Grad
Otok Hvar
phone: 021 765 904
e-mail: otok.hvar@cazmatrans.hr
Commercial court in Split.
MBS (Registration number): 060485783
OIB (PIN): 04252131176
Share capital: 2.500,00 €
Managing board:
- Pero Jerković - direktor
- Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. IBAN 6223900011101482352
Complaints related to the quality of services and inquiries about damaged or lost luggage should be directed at:
- address: Čazmatrans-Otok Hvar d.o.o., Ivana Meštrovića 4, 21460 Stari Grad, Otok Hvar
written complaint in business premises,
- e-mail: otok.hvar@cazmatrans.hr
Personal data protection:
Pursuant to Articles 16a and 18a of the Personal Data Protection Act (NN no. 103/3,118/06, 41/08 and 130/11), the Company's Director appointed a personal data filing system controller who:
- takes care of the legal procedures while processing the personal data
- warns the person in charge of the personal data collection about the necessity to apply the laws on personal data protection
- informs all the employees dealing with personal data processing about their legal obligations related to personal data protection
- takes care of fulfilling the provisions from the articles 14 and 17 of the Personal Data Protection Act
- makes sure the rights of the data subject from the articles 19 and 20 of the Personal Data Protection Act are protected
- cooperates with the Personal Data Protection Agency on matters related to control over personal data processing
Personal data filing system controller:
- Veska Sanseović
- e-mail: otok.hvar@cazmatrans.hr
- phone: 021 765 904